2015 AORC champion Toby Price has returned to Australia to help raise money for worthy cancer charity; Challenge.
By Hayden Gregory

With the support of his KTM team, Price returned home early to participate in Australia’s largest dirt bike charity event, the 2015 KTM Ride4Kids. The event included over 250 participants and over $70,000 was raised for the charity.
Taking place at Broadford, State Motorcycle Sports Complex, it was a great day for motorcycle enthusiasts of all levels. The event was organised by Challenge dad’s Craig Gathercole and Matt Manning who were thrilled with the turnout and amount of money raised.
“We had some Challenge kids here and Toby Price was magnificent with the kids all day. Watching Wayde Carter, Toby Price and Mason Semmens ride around with the kids is what it’s all about. It’s a big buzz for them,” Craig said.
“Raising as much as we did to provide Challenge the services that they provide to children living with cancer has also been remarkable,” Craig added.
“In particular, we’d like to thank Motorcycling Victoria for providing the venue at no cost and what a great venue it is.
“The real winner here is kids with cancer and Challenge,” David added.
Notable mentions must go to Jessica Robertson who won a 2016 KTM 85 SX dirt bike after raising in excess of $12,000, a truly amazing effort. Lachie Stewart and Hayden Fogarty must also be acknowledged, both raising over $10,000 for Challenge.
The highlight of many for the day was seeing KTM champion Toby Price at the event taking time out to ride with kids affected by cancer.
“A huge storm forced the cancellation of the Dakar Rally of Chile so I asked KTM Australia if it was possible to change my flights to come back a couple of days earlier,” Toby explained.
“We had around 250 riders out there. It was the biggest turnout we have had in my time. The Broadford track was unreal. It was a great day for the kids,” Toby said. “It’s an event I really like being at and supporting a great cause for Challenge,” Price added.
Challenge CEO David Rogers commented on the success of the day and the amazing support of the motorcycling community. “Along with Motorcycling Victoria, KTM Australia, and with the talented and passionate people this sport has, the 2015 KTM Ride4Kids has been an overwhelming success.”
“This event in its own right has raised over $700,000 for Challenge which is an outstanding reflection on the motorcycling community,” he added.
You can still donate to Challenge by visiting www.challenge.org.au.