Racing can be great fun, whether you are interested in winning, or simply just keen to get behind the gates for the experience, these tips can make sure you leave with a smile on your face.
Rolling into an event with things still to do to your bike is stressful. Remembering to put in the fresh air filter, change a wheel or prepare your goggles adds to the stress early in the day of a race. Spend the days and weeks before ensuring your bike is ready, your gear is packed and your vehicle organised. It will leave you with a clear mind come race day.
body needs fuel, ensure you eat brekky. Despite the nerves, it’s important have
some food in your system. Try an Up and Go or a protein shake if you don’t
think you could stomach a bacon and egg at the local track.
Try and drink as much water in the lead up to the race as you can. Being dehydrated on race day is not fun, if you start your day already hydrated you are ahead of the game and on the right track to maintain your levels.
Stress is a killer, the more you worry the less you will enjoy. Try and take the day in and not let the nerves get a hold of you. There are plenty of guys and girls just as nervous as you.
Check the requirements to compete in the lead up to the event. Whether you can ride on a day licence and a club membership or if you need to have your competition licence organised well before the race.
Grab a pit shade of some description. If you don’t have the budget for something that is really good quality like a quickshade or quickshelter, head to Bunnings for a cheap multi-use gazebo. They won’t last as long but will get you out of trouble while you plan if racing is for you.
Bring some spare tubes and a spare brake and clutch lever at a minimum. If you have a small tip over and snap your front brake lever the day could be over well before you have taken in most of the day.
You need to have the correct riding gear to race. Spend wisely, a good helmet, a good set of knee guards, good boots, a chest protector and goggles all need to be sorted before you buy the best of the best in jersey and pants. You can get some great bargains at places such as MX Store or MCA for package deals as well as your local dealer.
possible, don’t travel alone. There’s a damn good chance you will be knackered
after your first event. So driving home can be a struggle. Plus, an extra pair
of hands on race day is essential – and you want to share the fun with someone!
Check with your event incase you need to bring a marshall for you too.
Choosing your first event is critical to having a good time. Look for an
Amcross, a local grass track, enduro or low-key motocross event rather than a
high-pressure stadium cross or title event. Keep it low-key for more fun in
your first event!
Choosing your first event is critical to having a good time. Look for an Amcross, a local grass track, enduro or low-key motocross event rather than a high-pressure stadium cross or title event. Keep it low-key for more fun in your first event!